Testimony Re: Campaign Finance Reform Bills B22-0008, B22-0032, B22-0107 & B22-0051
Testimony below captured as written. Actual testimony delivered to the Council by Zach Schalk, Communications Chair.
Mr. Chairman, and members, I am Dan Wedderburn, testifying for DC for Democracy (DC4D) as a member of its Steering Committee. With over 600 members, we have repeatedly pushed for major campaign and ethics reform in DC.
DC for Democracy strongly supports the Bills being considered today. If enacted, they can have a major impact on the corrupting influence of the pay-to-play culture that exists. Large corporations and wealthy donors, including many not residing here, dominate our political system. They contribute well over half of the total contributions made to candidates for City Council and Mayor. Meanwhile small donors, mostly middle and low income households have little influence. The result is DC’s ever-increasing inequality that ranks among the highest in the nation. The notion of Democracy, which Webster’s clearly defines as a government that represents the people, does not really exist.
Some important features of these Bills DC for Democracy supports include:
Any business, individual or association that contributes to candidates for political office would not be eligible to seek or engage in DC contracts, grants or tax abatements valued at $100,000 or more, for two years, effective for the 2018 campaign. Require the same for agreements to acquire, sell or lease land or a building.
Allow individuals only to contribute to Constituent Services Funds that allow incumbents to receive $40,000 a year that is spent mostly for their re-election not for helping needy people with emergency assistance as intended. Currently the same corporations that contribute to campaigns dominate contributions to incumbents for these funds.
Allow only individuals to contribute to PACs.
Require extensive disclosure of individuals who make Independent Expenditures.
Close the significant PAC loophole that allows them to receive unlimited donations in non-election years for political contributions.
Prohibit lobbyists from bundling contributions.
We congratulate the Council for introducing serious legislative reforms to address the insidious pay-to-play culture. These reforms are welcome at a time when public cynicism is high and there is widespread suspicion that elected officials are under the control of corporations and developers. It unfairly jeopardizes the reputation of elected officials who do conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. Enacting the proposed legislative reforms would go far towards increasing public confidence in our government. Thank you.